Track Geometry Gauge

  • Track Geometry Gauges offer accurate and consistent track measuring, coming in a lightweight and robust design. Pandrol offer a range of Track Geometry Gauges suitable for all inspections needs, all weighing less than 3.5 kg.
  • The gauges have been designed with a sprung gauging foot, with all measurements being displayed on the end of the gauge, ensuring accurate measurements and minimising user error. They are are easy to transport on track and can be effortlessly installed and used.


Track Geometry Gauges offer accurate and consistent track measuring, coming in a lightweight and robust design. Pandrol offer a range of Track Geometry Gauges suitable for all inspections needs, all weighing less than 3.5 kg.

The gauges have been designed with a sprung gauging foot, with all measurements being displayed on the end of the gauge, ensuring accurate measurements and minimising user error. They are are easy to transport on track and can be effortlessly installed and used.